AOL MySpace Challenge in the Works

Posted on April 20, 2006

Dave Winer has posted a rumor that AOL will offer a direct challenge to the MySpace youth juggernaut called Head On.

I just heard a rumor that AOL is going to challenge MySpace, "head on," to be announced in approximately two weeks.

Download Squad claims to have confirmation of an AOL MySpace challenge from from Armughan Javaid, Program Manager in AOL Technologies' Open Services group. Rumors about AOL taking on MySpace are nothing new but the Head On name is new.

Coincidentally, Head On is also the name used by a headache remedy that you apply directly to the forehead. Would AOL really call it Head On without owning Probably not. It must be called something else. More Head-On: There's also a UK heavy metal group on MySpace called Head-On.

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