Grammar and Style

Welcome to our grammar and style section. The information here will be of value to writers and students. Here you will find articles, advice, information about grammar tools, links to grammar resources, the latest grammar news and more.

Grammar Resources: Find grammar resources online including online dictionaries, dedicated grammar sites and more.

Articles and Features: Our collection of grammar and style articles, advice, features and interviews.

Purdue OWL: Learn how the Purdue OWL and its extensive resources can help you improve your writing.

Italics and Titles Learn when to use italics and when to use quotations on book titles, poem titles, movies, magazines and more.

Homonyms: Learn about homonyms, homographs and homophones.

Grammar News: Find the latest grammar and style news from the Writer's blog.

University Writing Centers: Universities have great writing resources that are packed with information. Many of them are available free online.

Grammar Checkers - a list of free online tools, browser extensions, apps and more that will check your grammar for you

EasyBib and Citation Generators - find tools to help you create and manage citations in your research paper

Said Synonyms and Alternatives - there are many dialogue tags available but they should be used sparingly.

Grammar Memes: There are many Internet grammar memes. These include the popular Grammar Police and Grammar Nazi memes.

The Meaning of [sic]: What is [sic] and why do journalists use it?

Transition Words and Phrases: Learn more about transition words and how and when to use them.

When to Write Out Numbers in a Sentence: Learn when you should spell out numbers in a sentence.

Idioms: A list of idioms and their meanings.

Business Writing: Our business writing section contains articles and resources for business writers and writing in the workplace.