WebbyMedia Blog Network Short Lived

Posted on October 5, 2005

The new blog network from WebbyMedia has closed without launching a single blog. WebbyMedia had been promising to launch a network offering a 100% revenue share to bloggers. Here's why WebbyMedia founder Omar Al-Hajjar saysit isn't going to work.

1. No barriers to entry. The publishing platform is free and easily hackable (Wordpress). Google Adsense is available to anyone with an email account. Topics are a dime a dozen. And design can be outsourced. What's left?

2. Brand is the only competitive advantage. So if you can't compete on technology or advertising, what can you compete on? The publisher's brand. Even though I've been publishing online for several years now, I really haven't spent time building credibility. This point is unbelievably crucial. It's just critical.

If you like blog networks don't worry there will be oodles more launching. The low barrier to publish is one reason why. Al-Hajjar is correct about branding, but this branding necessity means the barrier is not really as low as it appears because you have to spend money to brand your blog or blog network.

Meanwhile, Heather Burns a staff writer for the Pine Log Online, says in an article (no longer available) that blogging is a waste of time and that most bloggers are losers. She write, "To lay it all on the line, blogging is a waste of time. Why spend time telling strangers your innermost thoughts when you could be out making memories with those you care about most? I'm not saying all bloggers are losers, I'm just saying that most of them are."

Wow, that's pretty harsh.

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