Web Awards Industry Site Launches

Posted on June 28, 2001

The Awards Scoop organization has been formed to assist and educate those outside the Web Awards Community through its resource site. At AwardsScoop.org, the media and general visitors can find a detailed history of web awards; an article about today's award community; listing of articles covering diverse topics about web awards.

David Bancroft, co-owner of Awards Scoop, explained the reasoning for Awards Scoop, "After we became aware of a well-intended article in an online publication that was filled with many inaccuracies... my fellow owners, Michael (M�c) Miller, Jef Peace, Don Chisholm, and Rob Ford, and I felt it is was necessary that the Internet media had a one stop location for accurate facts and information about the awards community, including its important role in fostering quality content and design on the Internet by motivating others to achieve Web excellence.

The media and general visitors can find a detailed history of web awards; an article about today's award community; listing of articles covering diverse topics about web awards; information about the type of web awards; FAQs; and, contact list of the major web award service organizations and indices. That is what Awards Scoop's site is all about. We also think any visitor will find it interesting and informative."

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