WayBack, US History for Kids Debuts Online

Posted on November 27, 1998

The American Experience Online has announced WayBack, the premiere issue of a US history webzine targeted to kids age 9 to 13. The American Experience Online appears on PBS Online.

Loaded with fun, funky features, each issue will examine a specific topic or theme. Now playing is technology, turn-of-the-century-style, with a debate over horse versus horseless carriage, surprising facts about the first telephone operators (clue: they would rather wrestle than work!), and a look at the first "music videos" from the 90s -- that's the 1890s! Future issues of WayBack will launch in January, March, April, and May 1999.

The American Experience, winner of the 1998 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Non-fiction Series, produces a companion website for each new program in the series and WayBack, US History for Kids. Coming to WayBack in January: a look at civil rights -- and wrongs. WayBack is funded by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.

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