Tags Organize Blogging Interests

Posted on February 2, 2005

Wired reports that "tags" are increasingly being used to organize items like pictures and blogs. Flickr, a popular photo sharing tool, starting a tagging system which allows users to label a picture, or part of a picture, with text. Now Flickr allows websurfers to browse its large collection by usings these tags. The most 150 popular Flickr tags can be found here. Blog tools have also incorporated the tag concept. Wired reports that Delicious (a social bookmarking site), Metafilter (a community weblog) and and Technorati (a searchable blog index) have all added tag capability. Matt Haughey, the founder of MetaFilter, told Wired that "Tags are great because you throw caution to the wind, forget about whittling down everything into a distinct set of categories and instead let folks loose categorizing their own stuff on their own terms."

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