Surviving the Dust Bowl on The American Experience

Posted on April 27, 1999

The American Experience Online's "Surviving the Dust Bowl" chronicles the story of the disastrous dust storms of the 1930s that swept across the Southern Plains. In Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, New Mexico, Kansas, and the Dakotas these storms took hold. In just minutes, "Black Blizzards" blew away topsoil that had taken a thousand years per inch to build. "Dust Bowlers" -- the people who persevered and overcame drought, dust, and disease­share their experiences through images, RealAudio(R) interviews, and memoirs on the site. The "Surviving the Dust Bowl" website accompanies the broadcast of the one-hour documentary on The American Experience.

In addition, the site contains a map that details the areas within the southern Great Plains most affected by the dust and drought of the 1930s, a bibliography and links to other Dust Bowl-related sites, an enhanced transcript of the film, and a teacher's guide.

The American Experience Online produces a companion website for every new television broadcast of The American Experience, with information beyond the broadcast including program schedules, teachers' guides, audience feedback and links to related sites. The American Experience Online also produces WayBack: U.S. History for Kids, a Webzine targeted to kids ages 9 to 13, first released in November 1998.

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