MacArthur Returns With The American Experience Online

Posted on April 28, 1999

No soldier has ever captured the American imagination more than Douglas MacArthur. He led Americans into combat for a half-century, through arduous victories and soul-numbing defeats. Courageous and supremely egotistical, he battled anyone who dared question his military judgment -- even the President of the United States. The MacArthur documentary and website provide a fascinating look at the private and public worlds of a preeminent modern military leader as well as a sweeping view of America at war in the twentieth century. The "MacArthur" website accompanies the four-hour biography airing on PBS.

The American Experience Online is produced by The American Experience in association with WGBH Interactive, Boston, which produces Web sites supporting WGBH national series such as Nova, The Antiques Roadshow and Arthur. WGBH Interactive also produces WGBH Online, updated weekly for WGBH viewers, members and listeners throughout the Northeast.

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