IonZoft Launches TagCloud Tool

Posted on June 7, 2005

IonZoft has created a new automated folksonomy tool called TagCloud. The service allows you to create a TagCloud for one or more RSS feeds. TagCloud automatically creates a list of keywords based on the text in the feeds you have selected and displays them as a tag cloud.

As an example we quickly created a TagCloud called CoolCloud that includes feeds from CNN, Wired, Slashdot, The Register and the Christian Science Monitor. You can also build a tag cloud based on a blog's feed. You have probably seen a tag cloud before if you have been to Technorati or Delicious Here is what says a TagCloud is:

It's a list of keywords taken from the news feeds you specify. Larger fonts indicate a higher prevalence for an individual keyword. Using Cascading Style Sheets, you can customize almost every aspect of your TagClouds to make it match your website.

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