Everything Cool Site Uses Teen Editors

Posted on June 13, 1997

Everything Cool Magazine is a new online magazine directed towards kids aged 12 to 18. Everything Cool covers topics of interest to teens in their leisure hours, such as movies, music, sports and video games. In its first few weeks on-line, the premiere issue of Everything Cool has received thousands of visitors who have browsed the site, left positive comments, and contributed greatly to the content of the magazine.

The direction of the magazine is to deliver a constant flow of information to today's youth, regarding what's fresh, new and popular in their world. Sports, entertainment, and merchandise are just a small part of the big picture. There is an open forum for communication amongst the readers to interact with each other, and there is opportunity available to anyone within the intended age group to participate directly by writing for the magazine, and receiving payment for all work used.

Update: Everything Cool Magazine is no longer available.

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