Avon Launches Digital Romance Imprint, Avon Impulse

Posted on March 9, 2011

Avon is launching Avon Impulse, a new digital publishing romance imprint. The imprint will feature established Avon authors as well as new talent to be published as e-originals. The imprint will include e-books and print-to-order novels and novellas.

The new imprint will launch with A Lady's Wish, an original e-novella by Katharine, on March 15th. Royal Wedding, a historical romance short fiction anthology by Stephanie Laurens, Gaelen Foley and Loretta Chase, is timed to coincide with the British royal wedding. Other future releases include four releases from Lavinia Kent and a prelude to Karina Cooper's Avon debut, Blood of the Wicked. Jaime Rush will launch a new series with a digital short. A full-length paranormal romance novel by author Kristin Miller will be released in the summer.

Avon says Avon Impulse is currently in the acquisition and production process for e-books to be published in 2011 and 2012. Carrie Feron, Morrow/Avon Vice President and Editorial, says, "We are actively looking to acquire for Avon Impulse. We are looking for quality submissions across every romance subgenre."

Authors looking to submit to Avon Impulse can find guidelines and a FAQ on avonromance.com.

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