AT&T Claims to Deliver Blogging in Ad Campaign

Posted on January 28, 2006

AT&T delivers blogging? Several blogs have been discussing an unusual AT&T billboard and what it might mean. The billboard bears the phrase "blogging delivered" in lower case. The "o" has been turned into the AT&T logo. You can see an image of the billboard here>

Adrants wonders if the "delivering blogging" claim is related to bandwidth. Adrants says, "It, of course, alludes to the SBC acquisition of at&t (guess their doing the lower case thing now) and how that somehow delivers blogging. We suppose it just means they own more of the world's bandwidth so they have the right to say they deliver whatever they want."

So it could be that AT&T is claiming to deliver blogging in a way that your electrical company delivers reading or GE delivers toast. AT&T could have said "webpages delivered" or "internet delivered," but they chose to single out blogging, which shows you how hot blogging has become.

The campaign got our attention and we sort of get what they are trying to say. But what will all the people who still have never heard the word blog or blogging think of AT&T's ad campaign? When they finally do discover blogs will they think AT&T delivered them? Did AT&T deliver this blog to you?

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