Pratchett on Short-list for Comic Prize

Posted on June 1, 2005

Author Terry Pratchett's novel Going Postal is on the short-list for the Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse prize for comic fiction. Going Postal is the 33rd book in the popular Discworld series. The Guardian has an article about the other books on the short list which include James Hamilton-Paterson's Cooking with Fernet Branca; Lloyd Jones's debut novel Mr Vogel; Happy Accidents by Tiffany Murray and Marina Lewycka's A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian. The literary contest has an interesting prize:

The winner receives a jeroboam of Bollinger Special Cuvee and a case of Bollinger La Grande Annee, as well as the honour of having a locally-bred Gloucestershire Old Spot pig named after their novel.
What author wouldn't want a pig named after their book?