Grammar Checkers and Writing Aids

There are a number of English writing software tools and apps that can help you write a paper, letter or professional document. Today's writing software does more than just spellcheck. The latest tools - often called grammar checkers - also help you with potential grammar problems. With these tools you can also learn as you write. This list contains a few of the most popular writing tools available.

Grammarly is the best known of the writing software tools. It is designed to help you find and correct grammar mistakes. The software works with Microsoft Word. A free Chrome extension is available. Grammarly also has a more robust premium service that costs $29.95.

Ginger is a grammar checker that can be added a free Chrome extension. It will check your grammar on Gmail, LinkedIn, MS-Office and elsewhere online. Premium plans are also available.

WhiteSmoke is a writing tool that features a grammar checker, spell check, style checker, punctuation checker and translator. It is available in a desktop premium verison, web-based browser extension and mobile app.

Bibme is a smart proofreader from Chegg that offers grammar and style suggestion. It can also be used to add citations to your paper and check for unintentional plagiarism.

Scribens is an English grammar checker. It can work as an extension of Microsoft Word, LibreOffice and other products. It also has browser extensions. Scribens can also be used online by entering or pasting text into the online form. Scribens says it corrects over 250 types of common grammar and spelling mistakes.

Big Huge Labs Writer is a writing app that acts like a typewriter and includes optional typewriter sounds. The software is free. There is also a paid Pro version.

Writing Dynamo was a grammar checker run by According to an entry on Zendesk it was shut down in 2015. The entry says, "As of March 25, 2015, Writing Dynamo was shut down and will no longer be supported. As a member, you would have received a series of emails informing you of this change."

iA Writer is a writing app for Mac, Windows, Android and iOS. iA Inc. says the minimalist software was designed to remove distractions and give you a "calm, focused writing space." There's no title bar. iA uses a custom typeface based on the IBM Plex.

LibreOffice is free open source office suite software. The suite includes a word processing tools called Writer. There are grammar checking extensions available for it.

SpellCheckPlus is an online spelling and grammar checker. Paste your text into the online form and press "check text" and it will inform you of any grammar and spelling errors you have with advice on how to correct them.

Reverso Speller is an online tool that lets you check grammar and spelling of text pasted into the online form. It also has proofreading tools.

A few other online spelling and grammar check tools include Virtual Writing Tutor, SpellBoy, NounPlus and Sentence Checker.