Anna Wintour Gives Blogs a Makeover

Posted on March 16, 2007

Anna Wintour, the legendary editor of Vogue magazine is known for her excellent taste and her demanding ways. She was the inspiration for Miranda Priestly, the anti-heroine of the book and film, The Devil Wears Prada. According to Page Six, Anna has embraced the Internet and is having the entire Vogue website redone. She knows that she must have some fabulous fashion blogs on the site, but there is a problem. Anna despises the word "blog." Therefore, she has demanded that her staff come up with a new name. Immediately. And it had better be fabulous.

Anaa Wintour is as picky with words as she is with her wardrobe. According to one Vogue-er, "They are expanding the Vogue Web site and getting more involved with the Internet. But Anna hates the word 'blog' so much, she refuses to call anything on her site a blog and has charged her staff with coming up with a new word that isn't as garish-sounding. She wants it ASAP - in time for launch."

However, a source close to Wintour said, "Anna just doesn't want people to refer to stories as blogs, because they're not. It's an improper use of the word." A rep said, "Anna has nothing against blogs."

We can't wait to see what she comes up with. A fashion blog is a Flog, perhaps? No, in the tech world a flog is a fake blog, which is a terrible thing. So, what word could one use to describe a great fashion blog? Remember, it can't be garish. Or tacky. Or unfashionable. Help Anna's staff out by coming up with a great new name for a fashion blog.