PR Bloggers Discuss New Strumpette Blog

Posted on March 28, 2006

A new blog called Strumpette has launched with the goal of stirring things up in the PR industry. The site contains an alluring photograph of the girl who is supposed to be Strumpette. The content on the site is attributed to Amanda Chapel, who claims 15 plus years experience in marketing communications and a "killer portfolio." Adrants reports that Amanda also claims other assets. The blog debuted with a tacky post about an office pool bet to guess how long blogger Steve Rubel will stay at his job with Edelman. The blog has about forty inbound links so far according to Technorati including these:

John Wagner discusses how the PR camps are lining up for or against Strumpette. He says, "It's fascinating to see the two camps line up in even rows -- those who think the site has potential and see the humor in it all, and those who were offended by the author's use of female sexuality and name dropping to gain attention."

B.L. Ochman is not impressed. She writes, "Dear Amanda: Yes, it's totally catty. Not, it's not absolutely fun. It comes across exactly like what it is, piggybacking on a big name to try to build your own reputation. Yecch. Sorry, but I find your tactic unappealing at best and unethical at worst. If you'd like to build an audience, build up some original content with credible sources."

Steve Rubel, who was the subject of Strumpette's debut post, did not link to Strumpette but responded by listing some more tactful ways to make friends and contacts with help from Dale Carnegie.

Strumpette has gained some quick links but that doesn't mean she (or possibly he) will be successful. If there are lots of people reading Strumpette in October than maybe she can gloat a little bit.

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