My Box in a Box Video Stardom

Posted on January 13, 2007

The My Box in a Box video is viraling across the Internet. It is even getting play on radio stations and appeared on Countdown With Keith Olbermann on MSNBC. Olbermann calls it a "racy Internet satire of a racy Internet satire of a which itself followed the bleeped version of a television satire." It is now available on a separate YouTube video. The song is a clever parody of the Special Christmas Box song that Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg performed for Saturday Night Live. The My Box in a Box song includes jabs at President George Bush, Taco Bell and Britney Spears.

The IVYGate blog revealed that the singer behind the My Box video is Melissa Lamb, a sophomore at Penn State. Melissa Lamb goes by the name Bunny on the official My Box in a Box blog -- which has already accumulated at least 90 inbound links. An Eat the Press post explains that four people are behind the popular video.

Eat the Press also says a longer version is in the works.

In the meantime, her box will go on, with promises of new material and a brand-new fan version splicing in clips submitted from around the world. Sort of takes user-generated content and interactivity to a whole new level. In any case, present for you below.
Bunny is trying to find a few profits from her sudden fame. Adrants notes that there is a CafePress store. The actual box used in the video is even being sold on eBay.

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