E-Ink's BlueChute E-ink Tablet
Posted on March 11, 2007
Engadget has found another attractive think e-ink display that blogs may one day be read on. This one is called the blueChute e-ink tablet. The company says it is thinner than in iPod nano. It is powered by four lithium polymer cells.
Engadget says, "Until e-ink gets cheap and ordinary people can gaze into their very own super high contrast electronic copy of the NY Times, we'll have to settle for sneak peeks at concept devices like this, E Ink's blueChute e-ink tablet."
Eventually many people will be reading blog posts on portable devices similar to this one. But like Engadget said it won't happen until electronic ink displays become cheap and mass produced. Some of our past posts on e-ink and flexible plastic displays can be found here and here.