China Has Incredibly Active White-Collar Bloggers

Posted on February 21, 2006

China Daily has an article that says 52% of white-collar workers in China have a blog. CBP Career Consultants Co., Ltd. conducted the survey that found this hard-to-believe number of bloggers.

Unlike western bloggers who often focus on news and politics, the Chinese white collar bloggers see complaining alongside office and personal gossip as their priorities, according to the survey.

According to the findings of a blogging survey conducted by CBP among white-collar workers in China's four largest cities - Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen - 52% responded they already had a blog, while another 28% said they plan to begin a blog in the near future.

"Weblogs have become the fourth online channel for Chinese people to communicate with each other, following email, bulletin board systems (BBS) and instant messaging tools such as QQ and MSN Messenger," Bian Bingbin, President and Chief Career Consultant with CBP Career Consultants, told Interfax Monday. "Blogging is now a lifestyle habit for more and more Chinese white-collar workers, with a majority updating their blogs once every three days on average," he said.

They study also found that 60% of these bloggers criticize their employer. However, only 27% of the China white-collar bloggers make their blogs public which means a lot of the critical boss posts may be hidden away so the boss can't read them. What would the omniscient Ad Age think of this kind of blogging activity? How many hundreds of thousands of years of man hours would Ad Age claim china workers waste each year reading and writing blogs?

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