Blog Outlines Lifecycle of Bloggers

Posted on June 2, 2005 has outlined the lifecycle of bloggers in a new post. According to the post the blogging lifecycle begins with starting to read blogs:

You start out as a lurker and by either having met a blogger or run accross an intriguing and challenging post from someone else�s blog, you start mulling about in your head for either a forum for response, challenge, or agreement. You *could* start by commenting on other folks blogs first, but you start having a gradually increased desire for a space of your own. Like when you�re living in your parent�s basement and the rest of your friends are making weekly trips to Home Depot and using words like �mulching�. You begin to wonder if you want to belong.
The lifecycle also includes #4. You become really personal on your site as the online and real-life worlds start confusing you; #9. You decide that you must meet other bloggers; and #13. You either lose your job because of blogging, are afraid of losing your job for blogging, or join a company that builds blogging tools.

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