WGA Gives Image Awards a Waiver

Posted on January 16, 2008

The WGA announced that it has singed an interim agreement with the NAACP for The 39th NAACP Image Awards, which will take place on February 14, 2008, at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. That means that the show can hire WGA writers to script the show and that there will be no picketing of the event. It also means that movie stars can show up and that the show can use clips from tv and feature films during the ceremony.

"The NAACP would like to thank the leadership of the WGA and its members for demonstrating their support of the NAACP and its historic mission by granting The NAACP Image Awards an interim agreement," said Julian Bond, chairman of the NAACP. "The NAACP stands in solidarity with the Writers Guild in its fight for meaningful collective bargaining and the rights of all workers to make an honest and fair living."

"The Guild examines each request like this individually and no decision is easy. Our ultimate goal is to resolve this strike by achieving a good contract. Because of the historic role the NAACP has played in struggles like ours, we think this decision is appropriate to jointly achieve our goals," said Patric Verrone.

The NAACP Image Awards is a yearly event which celebrates the outstanding achievements and performances of people of color in the arts, as well as those individuals or groups who promote social justice. You can find out more about the NAACP and the Image Awards at naacpimageawards.net.

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