Media Cynic Page: 6

This is page 6 of the Media Cynic archives.

White House Website Now Runs on Drupal (2009-10-26): The White House website at whitehouse.

President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Win Generates Controversy (2009-10-10): President Obama's completely unexpected Nobel Peace Prize win has been very controversial.

President Obama Called Kanye West a Jackass (2009-09-14): Everyone was angry at Kanye West last night for jumping on stage and >rudely interrupting Taylor Swift's acceptance speech.

Katie Couric Discusses Wee Weed Up (2009-08-24): Katie Couric talks about neology, the invention of new words.

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Wields Knife in Twitter Video (2009-07-22): California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger shot a special video for his 700,000+ Twitter followers.

Sarah Palin Promises Less PC Tweets (2009-07-17): Sarah Palin is promising to fire off some less PC tweets on her Twitter account, @AKGovSarahPalin, once she has resigned as Alaska Governor.

President Says Economy Will Get Worse (2009-06-23): Raw Story reports that President Obama warned in a news conference that the economy will get worse and unemployment will climb over 10%.

President Obama Breaks Silence on Iran (2009-06-15): Huge protests were held in Iran today as many supporters of opposition candidate Mirhossein Mousavi believe the election was stolen by current Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

When Ronald Reagan Met Vladimir Putin (2009-03-16): Former U.

68% Have Favorable Opinion of President Obama (2009-03-05): NBC News reports that polling has started out favorable for President Obama.

Governor Jindal Angers Alaskans by Calling Volcano Monitoring Wasteful Spending (2009-02-26): The Anchorage Daily News reports that Alaskans are angry that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (GOP) singled out "volcano monitoring" as wasteful spending during his response to President Obama's speech Tuesday night.

Rupert Murdoch Apologizes For Chimp Cartoon (2009-02-25): New York Post publisher and media mogul Rupert Murdoch published a rare apology yesterday about a controversail New York Post cartoon.

Republican Sen. Judd Gregg Withdraws Nomination as Commerce Secretary (2009-02-12): The last think President Barack Obama needed was another resigning cabinet member but that's just what he got today.

Barack Obama is Stressed Out on Mad Magazine's Cover (2009-01-27): President Barack Obama has been on the cover of thousands of newspapers and magazines lately but Mad Magazine's new cover is probably the least flattering.

Caroline Kennedy Withdraws From Senate Competition (2009-01-21): In a surprise move, Caroline Kennedy has withdrawn her name from consideration to fill Hillary Clinton's senate seat.

Joe the Plumber to Become War Correspondent (2009-01-08): This is odd.

Bill Richardson Withdraws as Commerce Secretary Designate (2009-01-05): Well, that has to be some kind of a record for the speed of resignation over a scandal: New Mexico governor Bill Richardson has resigned the post of Commerce Secretary.

Blagojevich vs. Reid, Round 2 (2008-12-30): Illinois governor Blagojevich has named former Attorney General Roland Burris to fill Barack Obama's Senate seat, over the objections of all 50 Democratic senators.

Researchers Unlock Secrets of 1918 Flu Pandemic (2008-12-29): What a year this has been.

Top Investment Advisor Arrested in $50 Billion Fraud Scheme (2008-12-11): As the recession deepens, investors are pulling out of all but the safest investments.