John Mayer Pokes Fun at Gossip Blogs

Posted on September 30, 2006

Singer, songwriter and blogger John Mayer is poking fun at some of the most popular celebrity blogs including Perez Hilton, Pink Is The New Blog and on his blog on wrote about it here.

Celebrities obviously have a love/hate relationship with media outlets. They certainly love the ability to promote themselves and their latest projects, but of course, many claim they also hate the attention given to their "personal" lives. In the old days, celebs only had to worry about tv cameras and talboid rags. In the new millenium blogs are evolving into a prime source for the public's seemingly unending appetite for all things celebrity. It's obvious that even Grammy winner John Mayer is tuning in to "new media."

On his blog, JM has a little fun mimicking our pals at Perez Hilton and Pink Is The New Blog. JM co-opts their generally hilarious style of adding commentary to photos and pokes a little fun at being a celebrity and at us celebrity watchers. And it seems John reads TMZ as well! He's got his own " " entries that look an awful lot like a really cool site we all know and love. It's good to see John has a sense of humor and can make fun of not only us, but himself. Just one thing missing ... no Jessica Simpson posts?

You can see some of Mayer's posts spoofing the top gossip blogs here. Scroll through Mayer's September archives if that link doesn't work -- Mayer's blog seems to lack permalinks. It is good to see a celebrity who both blogs and knows some of the blogs well enough to write in their style. Mayer even provides some great tips for avoiding zombies on his blog.

The thing too is, you can sometimes trick zombies into thinking that you're one of them. If you walk through a whole pack of zombies, and you're all like "bbbuuuurrrrgggghhhhh", like they are, there's a chance they won't notice you're even there. But as soon as you start talking, or showing basic cognitive reason, zombies are all over you.

You won't find valuable tips like that on Of course, Jared Leto, the actor who wants blogging to die a sudden death, probably wants John Mayer to stop blogging immediately.

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