Jessica-Lee Rose (Lonelygirl15) Appeared in KFC Commercial and Short Film

Posted on September 12, 2006

Silicon Valley Watcher has indentified the mysterious Lonelygirl15 (Bree) as Jessica Rose, an actress from New Zealand. Many have been on to the idea that the popular YouTuber is an actress.

But we think her full name is Jessica-Lee Rose. If you search within the Clyne Management website on Google you will find more information about a Jessica-Lee Rose on a cached page. It lists acting experience including formal training and work experience with a KFC commerican and a short film. Here is an excerpt from the page.

2004 - KFC - Extra

2004 - Dearly Beloved (New Zealand Short Film Academy, Directed by Leah Salvisan) -- Lead (Bride)

Update: Valleywag posted a video of Jessica Rose or Jessica-Lee Rose with her brunette friend. Another blog called Top of the Tube has also posted Rose's resume. The website, set up by Tom Foremski at SVW, has the first YouTube video to break the news.

Update 9-13-06

Bree update: The New York Times has an article about the reveal of Bree's identity.

The Times' Screen blog also has some information about Lonelygirl15 include a link to a MySpace page.

The good news for Lonelygirl15 fans is that the shows will continue according to an AP story. The producers are also all using equipment that anyone could use. That information should be enough to motivate others to attempt their own video fiction.

Update 9-15-06

Jessica Rose was on MTV yesterday. She told MTV that she has received some positive feedback.

Jessica says, "The project was pitched to me as being an Internet story. I was hesitant because [I thought], 'This is weird, this is the Internet. Who's going to watch this?'. I just graduated from acting school and my teachers were like, 'Just be careful. People are going to make things sound wonderful to you, and they're really not.' I didn't realize how big the Internet really was."

She says she has received lots of positive email. Some of her emails are from people who say they are worried she is getting hate mail. Jessica says, "And I'm like, 'I'm not. There's none.' I've had so many positive and lovely messages, so it's been really nice."

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