Google is Top Global Brand According to Millward Brown Report

Posted on May 27, 2014

Google is the most valuable brand in the world according to the BrandZ Top 100 Most Value Global Brand 2014 report, an annual report from Millward Brown. Google moved ahead of Apple, which slipped from the top slot to #2. Apple is followed by IBM, Microsoft, McDonald's, Coca Cola, Visa, AT&T, Marlbaro, Amazon and Verizon.

Millward Brown says only 18 of the top 100 brands lost value in the past year. Google increased the most in dollar value. Twitter and Linkedin entered the list in 2014 for the first time. You find the Top 100 chart here and the full report here.

Oscar Yuan, vice president at Millward Brown, says Apple's last huge innovation was in 2010 with the iPad, while Google continues to innovate with products like Google Glass and driverless cars. Take a look:

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