Google Reorganizes Under New Holding Company Called Alphabet

Posted on August 10, 2015

In a surprising move, Google has reorganized itself into a new company called Alphabet, Inc. Google is one part of Alphabet. The shocking announcement was made in a blog post by Google co-founder Larry Page. He will be the CEO of Alphabet.

As it has become known over the years Google increasingly does more than search and online advertising. They have projects like Google Glass and the self-driving cars that have been in the public eye over the past couple years. Page says Alphabet is "mostly a collection of companies." Google is one of those companies and the largest one.

Some of the other companies in Alphabet will include Life Sciences, with projects like glucose-sensing contacts, and Calico, which is focused on longevity. The website for Alphabet at currently shows child's blocks will letters on them. One of the blocks is the letter "G" for Google.

Sundar Pichai has been named the new CEO of Google. Larry Page says, "I have been spending quite a bit of time with Sundar, helping him and the company in any way I can, and I will of course continue to do that. Google itself is also making all sorts of new products, and I know Sundar will always be focused on innovation—continuing to stretch boundaries."

CNN/Money has a diagram here that shows Alphabet's different corporate arms which include Calico, Google, Google X, Fiber, Google Ventures, Nest and Google Capital. It is an interesting development for Google and we will all watch to see if Alphabet makes any acquisitions or major project announcements before the end of the year. The company seems to keep finding new ways to get bigger and expand.

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