AOL Using Thousands of Writers for Online Content Creation

Posted on May 26, 2010

AOL has transformed from a software company to a content company. They now employ 4,000 writers according to a TechCrunch story. 3,500 of these 4,000 writers are freelance writers.

TechCrunch says, "It's no secret that AOL is aggressively building out its content strategy. Today at TechCrunch Disrupt, AOL CEO Tim Armstrong says that the company now employs 4,000 journalists, 3,500 of which are part-time or freelance. As of last October, the company employed roughly 3,000 journalists.

That is a huge amount of freelance writers. They must one of the largest companies using freelance writers today. AOL has used acquisitions of sites like Weblogs, Inc., and Patch Media to grow its large network of blogs and content sites. Yahoo, Inc. is also looking to online content creation for growth. Yahoo recently acquired Associated Content, which employs thousands of writers to create a huge amount of articles.

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