Writing Mistakes

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This section covers writing mistakes and typos that have been made. Typos can sometimes lead to serious problems!

  • Trump Typo Causes 'Unpresidented' to Trend on Twitter (2016-12-17): Trump's unpresidented typo trends on Twitter after Trump mistakenly entered it in a tweet about China taking one of our research drones.

  • School District's Error-Ridden Reading List Recommends Authors George Ornell and Emily Bonte (2013-07-13): Long Island School District send out error-ridden reading list. Students were told to read The Great Gypsy instead of The Great Gatsby.

  • The 40-Year-Old Virgin and the Missing Hyphen (2005-12-14): The missing hyphen from the 40-Year-Old Virgin has mysteriously reappeared with the DVD release.

  • Another Reason to Avoid Typos: Malware (2005-04-28): Here's another good reason to watch out for those typos.

  • Typo Causes Nuclear Scare (2005-03-11): Everyone makes a little typo now and then, but sometimes they can have a major impact on the reader.

  • Kerry Writer Blows It, Big Time (2004-09-26): Writers are in great demand during political campaigns.