Book Title Generators

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Selecting a title for your book is an important decision. You want a name that will be memorable and that you can be proud of. You want a title that will interest a potential reader. You also want a book title that stands the test of time, such as War and Peace, For Whom the Bell Tolls, The Sun Also Rises, Pride and Prejudice and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Don't settle for a title you aren't happy with.

If you are struggling to think of a great title you can turn to an automated tool. Generators are likely to create many, many titles that will not want to use. Using some of them could put you in contention for the Oddest Book Title Prize. However, some of these generated names could be good and might even inspire you to come up with your own name. Here are some interesting book title generators as well as some book title advice.

How to Create Brilliant Book Titles: John Matthew Fox at Bookfox has some great advice about what makes a good book title and how important they can be.

Book Title Name Generator: The Fantasy Name Generators site also has a tool that generates book title ideas in different genres, including adventure, fantasy, horror, romance and science fiction. You just select your genre and then press "get names" and it generates ten titles.

Awesome Titles: If your book is nonfiction you might want to look at the Awesome Titles generator. It will create 700 headlines based on the words you enter. These are technically meant for article or blog post headlines but you should be able to use a few to help you think of a title for your book.

Fantasy Novel Title Generator: We first wrote about the Fantasy Novel Title Generator many years ago (in 2006!) and generated multiple titles. It is still running today and generates one title at a time.

Mystery Title Generator: If you need a mystery title this generator is here to help. It generates dozens of different titles. A few generated for us included "The Mystery Of The Cryptic Ladder, The Mystery At Corrupt Cove" and "The Lawless Vampire."

Book Title Generator: This generator does exactly as promised and randomly generates dozens of titles at a time. A few we generated included "Riverboat Command, A Suitcase in Berlin, The Umbrella Gorilla" and "People of Guilt."

Obscure Hub Sci-Fi Title Generator: This science fiction title generator will create three different science fiction titles for you with each press of the button. We generated these titles: "The Time Stone, Damion Shuttleworth and the Planet Maker" and "Day of the Blood Worms."

Ruggenberg Title Generator: This generator will give you five titles at a time. Is it time for someone to write "Legacy of Nothing," "Purple Kiss" or "The Dwindling Secret."

Fantasy Name Generators: If you like generators you might also find our page about fantasy character name generators interesting.

We have also created a list of great plot generators.

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