Barack Obama: Page: 3

This is page 3 of the Barack Obama posts on Wruters Write.

  • Obama Throws Wright Under the Campaign Bus (2008-04-29): After a mild rejection of Reverend Wrights' comments yesterday at an impromptu press conference, Barack Obama has now held a full formal press conference today to try to do damage control over his former pastor's recent speeches.

  • Obama's Headache Over Pastor Jeremiah Wright (2008-04-28): After his big speech on race -- in which he said he could no more disown his pastor than he could disown the black community or his white grandmother -- Barack Obama may be regretting his words.

  • Lou Dobbs Talks Media Bias Against Hillary Clinton (2008-04-02): Lou Dobbs addresses the extreme negative bias against Hillary Clinton that the mainstream media has shown and the absurdity of the calls for her to drop out of the race before all the Democratic voters have had their say.

  • Barack Obama's Pastor Problem (2008-03-17): After the Jeremiah Wright scandal broke wide on Friday, Senator Obama did the rounds of the talk shows Friday night to try to stem the bleeding.

  • Barack Obama Wins Mississippi as Expected (2008-03-11): Barack Obama has won Mississippi, as expected.

  • Saturday Night Live: Hillary's 3:00 a.m. Phone Call From President Obama (2008-03-09): Saturday Night Live dove into the fray once again last night.

  • McCain Seals Nomination: Clinton Wins Ohio (2008-03-04): Super Tuesday Part II has been a wild night so far.

  • Hillary Clinton's Surprise Appearance on Saturday Night Live (2008-03-03): Hillary Clinton made a surprise appearance on Saturday Night Live this past weekend.

  • Turbangate is Much Ado About Nothing (2008-02-25): Over the weekend some conservative blogs pointed out this photo of Barack Obama in traditional Somali apparel, which he wore while visiting Kenya.

  • Hillary Clinton's Debate Knockout Performance (2008-02-21): The Democratic debate between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton was held at the University of Texas tonight in front of a very enthusiastic crowd.

  • Obama Wins Wisconsin, Steps on Hillary's Speech (2008-02-19): John McCain won the Wisconsin primary tonight and in his victory speech said that as a superstitious navy pilot he was finally ready to announce that he will be the Republican nominee in the fall.

  • Words Matter: Does Plagiarism? (2008-02-18): In 1988 Joe Biden's run for the presidency was obliterated when he was found to have lifted words from a British politician's speech.

  • Obama and McCain Win Virginia (2008-02-12): John McCain barely fought off Mike Huckabee to win Virgina in a surprisingly close race.

  • Obama Wins South Carolina (2008-01-26): As expected, Barack Obama has won the South Carolina Democratic primary by a large margin.

  • Twitter and the 2008 Presidential Candidates (2008-01-10): A new website called Politweets is displaying the political tweets posted on Twitter.

  • McCain Wins New Hampshire: Down to the Wire For Clinton and Obama (2008-01-08): CNN has called the New Hampshire primary for John McCain.

  • Senator Barack Obama Launches Social Network (2007-02-11): Senator Barack Obama recently announced that he will be running for president in 2008.

  • Senator Obama Thanks Bloggers For Helping Spot CNN Error (2007-01-02): CNN made a major blunder in a segment about uncaptured terrorist Osama Bin Laden.

  • Osama's Words Coming to a Bookstore Near You (2005-01-21): Reuters reports that Doubleday will publish a controversial new book which will feature a history of Al-Qaeda, interviews with Osama bin Laden and his associates and a tract on Islamic struggle by Egyptian terrorist mastermind Ayman al-Zawahri.

  • Barack Obama: Rising Star (2004-08-04): Illinois U.