Popular Fiction Book Genres and Subgenres List

Fiction can be broken down into several main genres that are familiar to most readers, such as fantasy, literary, mystery, romance, science fiction. etc. Within each genre that are sub-genres. There is also much overlapping between the genres and sometimes a new genre emerges that becomes trendy, such as the legal thriller or chick-lit fiction subgenres that first become popular years ago.

A trip to the bookstore or a visit to an online bookstore will help you keep up with new subgenres that emerge. Note: You will find the genres organized in different ways at different bookstores. For example, fantasy and science fiction might be together or thrillers may be a separate category from mystery.

Here is a list of commercial fiction genres and a few of the most popular subgenres. We also provided some links to other genre lists.

Children's Fantasy General Fiction Horror Literary Fiction

Mystery/Thriller Romance Science Fiction Western More Resources

Here are some great resources for finding more information about fiction genres: