Character Traits

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Your characters will need to have unique traits that define them. You need to know what they are - or have a feeling for them - in order to know how they will behave. These are not physical features, such as looks, height, weight, eye color and hair. They are what makes up your character's personality; their underlying behaviors, attitudes and beliefs. Does your character have a strong sense of duty. Are they timely? Do they trust others easily? Are they smart, easy going, quirky, brave or lazy?

Our character profile article helps you get at some of your character's main characteristics. We have listed some resources below where you can find many more character traits. Some of the resources we have listed provide long lists of adjectives which describe a person. We have also rounded up some great psychological resources that can help a writer get deeper into the makeup of a character, such as personality tests and personality type resources.

Psychology Resources
Character Trait Adjective Lists