Web Animation for Dummies Review

Web Animation for Dummies
Renée LeWinter & Cynthia L. Baron
IDG Books, Sept., 1997.
Trade Paperback, 384 pages.
ISBN: 076450195X
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Cover of Web Animation for Dummies
by Renée LeWinter & Cynthia L. Baron

This unique guide to web animation offers solutions for those who are not programming experts and who do not have access to the most expensive graphic software. It provides the user with information and resources to create an animation for a webpage simply, using tools they already have or can be downloaded from the companion CD. It also teaches the user how to add animations to their webpages, The book covers many topics of graphics and animations including using clip art and photos in your animation, animating a series of images, choosing good colors, compressing images, using web animation software and lists of online resources. The companion CD also includes samples, graphics and software. The book is written in a user-friendly manner with an in-depth explanation of each step, including icons for tie-ins to the CD-ROM, warnings about where things can go wrong as well as screenshots and sidebars.

Web Animation for Dummies is a great book for those looking to spice up their webpages without investing a great deal of time or money on expensive animation software. It will show you that there are many ways to create animations with shareware and graphics you can find online by using a little creativity. Excellent for those looking to add some dazzle to their homepages and for those whose HTML coding skills are solid but need to add a little graphics knowledge to their repertoire of skills.

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