Videohound's Independent Film Guide Review
Videohound's Independent Film Guideby Monica Sullivan
Visible Ink Press, Nov., 1997.
Trade paperback, 450 pages.
ISBN: 1578590183.
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Videohound's Independent Film Guide will certainly please movie fans. The book provides comprehensive reviews to over 800 movies made independently of the Hollywood Studios. These include the films: Dirty Dancing, Fargo, The Thing Called Love and Trainspotting just to name a few. The guide also includes photographs and information on the film including year made, rating, actors, director(s) and writer(s), interesting sidebars and useful indexes by cast, directors and distributors.
The book rates the movies from one to four bones and includes a WOOF! rating for the least valued movies, with four bones being the highest rated review. Of course, as editor Monica Sullivan points out, "even the WOOF!s can be great fun, if you're in the mood for them."
This is a wonderful guide to Independent Films. This book will appeal to movie lovers, movie critics and to those looking for some great movies to rent that they may have overlooked in the past.
Return to the January 1998 issue of The IWJ.
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