Mystery Novels

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Who doesn't love a good mystery. Detectives have been solving mysteries in novels for hundreds of years. Whether you like your mysteries hard boiled or prefer cozies you will find plenty of resources below.

APB Media Patrol
APB Reviews of Crime-related Books, TV and Movies.

A resource for bibliomysteries, mysteries related to the world of books, archives, and libraries.

Valuable online resource for mystery lovers contains links to mystery resources, author websites, conferences and information about book awards and upcoming new releases.

Coming Soon Books
Find information about future book releases.

Crescent Blues
Crescent Blues is a webzine which contains reviews of books and movies in several genres as well as interviews with artists.

Crime Time
A British mystery magazine with regular book reviews and author interviews.

DOROTHYL is a discussion and idea list for the lovers of the mystery genre.

eBay's Mystery Book Auctions
eBay's auction listings for mystery books and other mystery products. Mystery Resources's collection of links to mystery resources.

Gumshoe Site, The
Provides information on hot mystery-news including recent mystery award winners.

Kirkus Reviews
Kirkus Reviews, founded in 1933, reviews, two to three months pre-publication, approximately 5,000 titles - fiction, nonfiction, and children's books - per year.

Meritorious Mysteries
Meritorious Mysteries is a mystery review newsletter by Molly Weston available in Portable Document Format (PDF)

Murderous Intent Mystery Magazine
A hard-copy magazine produced four times a year containing ten to twelve short mystery/suspense stories and a combination of interviews, nonfiction mystery related articles and columns.

Mysterious Strands
A large collection of links for mystery lovers.

Mystery Books and Writing News
The latest news about mystery/suspense fiction and writing from Writers Write.

Mystery Reader, The
The Mystery Reader provides mystery reviews in various mystery categories, mystery news and author interviews.

Mystery Readers Journal, The
Each issue of The Mystery Readers Journal contains articles, reviews and author essays on a specific theme, as well as special columns, a calendar of events, and other mystery related material.

Mystery Reviews on Writers Write
Archives of mystery reviews that have appeared in The Internet Writing Journal, an award-winning monthly online magazine.

Mystery Topic at Writers Write
The latest news about mystery writing from our sister site, Writers Write.

Mystery Writers of America (MWA)
Mystery Writers of America Inc. is a nonprofit professional organization of mystery and crime writers.

Mystery Writing at Writers Write
The latest information about mystery writing from Writers Write.
Website for mystery lovers. Collaboration between Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine and Mystery Scene Magazine.

Newsgroup: alt.books.mysteries
Newsgroup for discussion of mystery books.

Newsgroup: bit.listserv.dorothyl
Moderated newsgroup for discussion of the mystery genre by mystery authors and fans.

Newsgroup: rec.arts.mystery
Newsgroup for discussion of the mystery genre.

A mailing list devoted to the discussion of hardboiled fiction

Sun Sentinel -- The Mystery Corner
The Sun Sentinel's mystery book section with mystery columnist Oline Cogdill. Includes reviews, features and author interviews.