by Nicholas Chase
Que, March, 2001.
Trade Paperback, 486 pages.
ISBN: 0789724766

XML and Java are buzz words in the
industry -- but they are also useful
web publishing tools that developers need
to be familiar with. The book jumps straight into
the instruction, coding and examples as it
follows the construction of a website
and applications for ChaseWeb Furniture,
a fictional catalog furniture company.
As the applications and website are developed,
the reader is taught programming and development
skills. Concepts and methods introduced
to the reader include style sheets, XSL,
data structure, XML schema, XSL processors,
JDOM, DOM, XQL, SQL databases, SAX and SOAP.
XML and Java from Scratch
is targeted at beginners but
prior programming experience and
familiarity with web publishing
would help readers understand the material
more quickly. The book uses a unique and useful approach that can
help programmers develop XML and
Java skills, while learning how to build
an actual website with functional ecommerce
XML and Java from Scratch is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the April, 2001 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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