by Dave Taylor
No Starch Press, January, 2004.
Trade Paperback, 341 pages.
ISBN: 1593270127

This book contains 101 customizable shell scripts, written in
Bourne Shell (sh), that can be
used with Linux, Mac OS X and Unix systems. Some of the
shell programs include a spell checker, disk backup utility,
weblog analysis tool, weather tracker, hangman and other games
and scripts for scraping information from websites for
information like movies times, weather or stock quotes. Author
Dave Taylor, who also wrote
Teach Yourself UNIX in 24 Hours,
does a top-notch job of providing functional shell scripts, backed up
with easy-to-follow explanations and ideas for modifying the
scripts. This book will be useful for any professional administrator
or web developer. Geeks running a website for fun or a running
a home network as a hobby will enjoy the book as well.
Wicked Cool Shell Scripts is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the March-April, 2004 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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