by Stella Cameron
Kensington, January, 2001.
Hardcover, 0380789930 pages.
ISBN: 1575667134
Subgenre: Contemporary

Nationally known family therapist Dr. Byron Frazer
has a secret that could be very damaging to his career.
Thirteen years ago after his wife died, when he was 21,
he gave up his
newborn son for adoption. In a haze of grief and pain, he
felt that the boy would be better off with a more stable couple.
Byron kept tabs on Ian over the years through a private detective.
Byron learns that Ian's parents are dead and that the boy has
been sent to Cornwall to live with relatives.
Ian takes a sabbatical and
heads to Cornwall himself to check out the situation.
The town of Cornwall is quite different from Minnesota,
but he gradually warms to his environment and to the
attractive Jade Perron, the painter and designer who is
repairing the cottage
in which he lives. Ian decides that he should legally
reclaim the boy,
but the entire town bands against him, including the beautiful Jade.
Finding Ian is a departure for Stella Cameron, who is best known
for her romantic suspense novels and her historical romances.
Finding Ian, she puts the hero center stage with
excellent results. This is a deeply emotional, touching book
which is sure to win the talented Stella Cameron even more fans.
Finding Ian is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the April, 2001 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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