by Jon Stewart and the Writers of The Daily Show
Warner Books, September, 2004.
Hardcover, 221 pages.
ISBN: 0446532681

In addition to being hilarious,
America the Book is a well-organized and
well-planned book about our country and government. After going through the standard U.S. Government textbook, students in high school should then be given this book so
really understand how our government operates. Readers of this faux textbook
will learn about important subjects like democracy, voting, lobbyists, political
campaigns, Halliburton, the news media and of course, C-SPAN drinking games.
A well-written foreword from former President Thomas Jefferson is also provided.
The book also contains the notorious nude photographs of the Supreme Court Justices,
which got the book banned from Wal-Mart's shelves. (Wal-Mart's censors clearly
missed the robes that you can cut out and paste on the judges photographs to restore
their dignity.) If only the
Daily Show staff would actually release some of the books
they describe at the end of the book:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Presents Get Ready for the Metric System and
Jon Stewart's Anthology of
Public Domain Victorian Erotica. Perhaps they will at least write a sequel to the
America: the Book, which offers something
that's laugh-out-loud funny on every single page.
--Greg Knollenberg
America: The Book is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the January-February, 2005 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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