by Michael Miller
Synex, August, 2002.
Trade Paperback, 530 pages.
ISBN: 0782141277

In this age of online privacy threats, spam, trojans
and viruses you definitely need a book like
PC Security & Privacy. This book lists many of
the potential problems (including many you may
not even be aware of), then provides methods for
avoiding them and solutions for fixing and removing
them if you have already been affected.
We can all understand the damage and frustrations
a virus can cause -- what is more difficult to comprehend
are the potential privacy problems and hidden security
risks, such as someone obtaining your credit card
or other personal information. For example, what risks
is your teenager creating for you when he uses
one of those file swapping services? Fortunately,
in addition to listing the many ways your personal
information can be accessed and stolen, the book
also provides methods for protecting your information.
The book also helps readers
understand complicated subjects such as cookies, firewalls
and secure servers.
In addition, the book includes sources and
websites for keeping up
with new viruses and new privacy concerns.
In this early stage of
the Internet, proper security is absolutely essential
to safeguard your privacy.
This book is a must-have for all PC users.
Highly recommended.
Absolute PC Security & Privacy is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the September, 2002 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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